Human Resources
Save Your Company From the Record-High Quit Rate
Save Your Company From the Record-High Quit Rate. 74% of employees are experiencing at least some burnout on the job — but increased paychecks aren’t the long-term solution.
Learn how employers can minimize burnout in the workplace and save their best employees.
Overwhelmed by Employee Turnover? Have Stay Conversations
Nearly half of U.S. workers are watching or hunting for job opportunities. What’s even more staggering is that 52% of exiting employees said their manager or organization could have done something to prevent them from leaving.
What Works to Retain Staff: Purdue Study Finds Commonalities in Indiana Manufacturers with Low Turnover
The average turnover is 40% a year, but 5% of companies have rates at or below 15%.Managers often cite pay as the leading reason for employee-leaving. It is not. The costs of staff turnover at 40% levels is not just financial. Indirect costs are significant in high staff turnover environments; working staff are disrupted and disappointed, with possible effects on morale, safety and quality. Without quantifying these “costs,” we cannot adequately fix them.
These 3 Skills Will Allow Millennials to Excel as Leaders
In an unprecedented time, millennials have managed to survive and thrive, thanks to possessing traits that will help them succeed as leaders and even entrepreneurs.
Effective Employee Retention Strategies for Small Businesses
No matter the size of your business, it’s crucial that you consistently hire reliable and motivated employees to build a strong team. But, even after
Quarterly Human Resources Roundtable
When: March 25, 2020 8 – 10am Where: This Will Be A Virtual Meeting on Zoom In so many ways we are in uncharted waters
Attend MAP’s quarterly HR Round Table meetings.
Moderator Jason Reisman, Esq., a nationally recognized employment & labor relations attorney will discuss current legal and professional issues in human resources, especially topics that may affect company liability.
- Best Practices
- Updates to the Law (major changes to the federal law)
- Casual Q&A among participants
HR professionals along with senior management are invited.