Steve Jurash
President & CEO
Steve is Philadelphia’s leading advocate for the city’s manufacturing sector. Together with the Urban Industry Initiative, he has worked to help the sector find trained workers, give companies a voice in city government and make the kinds of connection for them that results in growth. The Manufacturing Alliance of Philadelphia (MAP) was created in 2006 as a trade association for manufacturing and as a means for bringing the sectors collective strength together to resolve the challenges facing it.
Steve has over 25 years marketing experience, 17 of them as President of a medium-sized advertising agency and marketing consulting firm representing manufacturing clients from all over the world.
He is also President & CEO of the Urban Industry Initiative (UII), which is a city economic development agency for the manufacturing sector. He works directly with Philadelphia’s manufactures, as a marketing coach, as well as leading a New Product Development Group, teaching companies how to innovate and bring new products to market. This initiative alone, between 2000 and 2002, generated $16 million in new investment and created over 250 new jobs for those companies participating
Board Chair
Paul Gannon
Vice President of Manufacturing
Stockwell Elastomerics, Inc.
Board Members
Steve Christini
President, Christini Technologies, Inc.
Robert Rosania
President, Ehmke Manufacturing Co Inc
Sagar Venkateswaran
President, Peacock Laboratories
Peter Windle
President & CEO, Windle Mechanical Solutions, Inc.
Chairman Emeritus
Roger Nielsen
Abbey Group Companies
Louis Eni
President, Dietz & Watson, Inc.