Government Affairs

US Government Programs to Assist Manufacturing
The US Government’s commitment to manufacturing is expressed in the several program designed to encourage growth and development of the economic sector. It’s good to know what’s available.

Prevailing Wages Rule Delay
The US Department of Labor has proposed an 18-month delay for a final rule published in January 2021 on calculating the prevailing wages of some

Who’s On First?
Harrisburg and the Budget It remains unclear whether department heads are keeping information from the General Assembly or if they are simply unprepared for what

MAP Covid -19 Alert (11.17.2020 925 hrs.)
PA Statewide Link to Governor Wolf’s Press Release on New Restrictions Businesses with in-person operations must follow updated business and building safety requirements. There is essentially

Lawmakers must protect manufactures during the pandemic
Lawmakers must protect manufactures during the pandemic Manufacturing has long been the backbone of Philadelphia’s economy, as well as countless communities and families nationwide. And

PA Approves White Collar Salary Threshold Increases—Leaves FLSA in the Dust
PA Approves White Collar Salary Threshold Increases—Leaves FLSA in the Dust Boom—take that, Pennsylvania employers! As a result of Governor Wolf’s battle with the Pennsylvania Republican-controlled